Hair. Makeup. Spray Tan. Education.
Luxury. Professional.
Stephanie Bauer, Hair Stylist
1. The basics. Where are you from, where do you live currently, family pets etc.?
I am from Bowleys Quarters, Maryland. I currently still live there. I have a super cute doggo. He is a 70 lb goldendoodle named Tucker (he’s so fluffy & lovable). I work at a salon during the week, where my favorite thing to do is balayage & extensions.
2. What are your hobbies?
Weight lifting , diamond painting , & napping
3. What would you consider your style?
Honestly .. Basic girlie girl but im all about the comfy but cute look
4. What's something unique about you?
I am a people pleaser (not always a good thing but there are good things about it), i will do whatever it takes to make people happy. If that means changing or altering things multiple times then I will do it at the drop of a hat! I always put others before myself!
5. What can we find you doing on the weekends (other than working?)
In ocean city at my family’s beach house
6. What's your dream vacation spot?
7. Dream celebrity to work with?
Margot Robbie or Gal Gadot
8. What's the most daring thing you've ever done?
Got a leg sleeve tattoo
9. What did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was in elementary school. When I was in middle school I wanted to be an actress (I was shy so it wouldn’t have worked out haha). Fast forward to high school I wanted to be in the FBI and work in a crime lab.
10. What toppings do you like on your ice cream? Favorite flavor?
Chocolate chip cookie dough with Oreo pieces
11. What's your favorite drink?
Strawberry margarita